Our Staff

Our Staff

Our staff have spent years working with children to help them become more socialised, more excited about the world around them, and interested and engaged in a wide variety of activities. We always try to help every child be involved in daily activities, but we are also aware and identify their limits and make decisions based on those limits. Our staff members are always willing to work with parents and guardians to identify and understand each child's needs and create bespoke strategies to meet those needs.

All our teachers, assessors, learning support assistants and teaching assistants share our passion for teaching. 

The Enlighten Academy is looking for a variety of passionate and dedicated tutors. We are looking for vibrant individuals to join our team to offer an elite service and tutor young students to help them reach their full potential. As part of our team, you will be representing ‘The Enlighten Academy’ and actively involved in teaching and mentoring the children who attend our centres. It’s important that our staffs are passionate and inspiring people, who are great communicators and confident teachers.